1B 2024 - 2025
Mrs Rumsey
Teaching Assistant and ELSA Practitioner
Mrs Bland
Mrs Ashford
Teaching Assistant
Welcome to Year 1!
Welcome back to the Spring term! This term is going to be filled with lots of learning and fun.
Useful Information
Please return reading books and reading records to school on your child's allocated day. Children will then be given a new book for the week ahead.
P.E. is every Thursday. Please make sure your child brings their named PE kit to school in a bag.
Our next class assembly is Friday 14th March. We would love to see you there so we can share with you what we have been learning!
If you have an questions or queries please do not hesitate to get in touch with me using the school contact number or via email using the address below!
Mrs Bland: ebland@thearches.cheshire.sch.uk