6C 2024 - 2025

Mrs Probert

Mrs Probert

Mrs Hilary Probert - Science Teacher and Subject Leader

Mrs Bowie

Mrs Bowie


Miss Whelan

Miss Whelan

Miss Debbie Whelan - Teaching Assistant

Mr Chwalko

Mr Chwalko

Assistant Headteacher and Year 6 Teacher

Miss Jones

Miss Jones

Teaching Assistant and Nurture practitioner

Welcome to 6C!

Please find the parent/carer curriculum leaflets for each term attached. These can prove useful when considering the academic support you can give your child at home! 

We have outdoor PE on Monday - don't forget your full school PE kit and warm clothing if necessary.

We have indoor PE on Thursday- don't forget a full school PE kit.

Home learning is given on a Thursday and must be returned to school the following Tuesday. This includes a spelling quiz from the Y5/6 spelling list every Tuesday. These will be given out with home learning. 

It is vital that your child arrives on time to school in line with the new school timings. 

It is vital that your child reads each day and learns our weekly spellings. 





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The Arches Community Primary School

Saughall Road, Blacon, Chester CH1 5EZ

Nicky Johnson: SEN Contact

Michelle Ashfield: Headteacher

01244 667660


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