House Points
In 2024, we proudly introduced four different houses into our school community. Every child from FS2 to Year 6 is allocated one of the four houses. Each day, children have the opportunity to earn 'House Points' for their team by showcasing good behaviour, good work ethic, good manners and being a positive member of our purple family. Our staff give house points to all children not just those in their year groups, meaning house points are ALWAYS up for grabs at The Arches!
At the end of each week, select children from the winning house are invited to have a hot chocolate with a member of SLT!
At the end of each half term, all children from the winning house are treated to an extra special secret surprise that changes each time!
In the summer, the four houses compete against each other in our hugely anticipated Sports Day event.
Meet the houses
Taking inspiration from Blacon's 'Poet's Corner', our four housed are based on influential poets from history. Writing is a huge focus in our school and we want all children leaving the Arches feeling inspired by writers of the past and present.
Alfred, Lord Tennyson was an English poet born in 1809.
Gerald Griffin was an Irish poet born in 1803.
George Byron was an English poet born in 1788.
William Wordsworth was an English poet born in 1770.