4M 2024 - 2025
Miss Plested
Teaching Assistant
Mr Myers
Miss Hopwood
Teaching Assistant
Welcome to 4M!
Please find the parent/carer curriculum leaflet for the Spring term below. This leaflet can prove useful when considering the academic support you can give your child at home
PE sessions take place on a Tuesday and Thursday so please ensure your child brings their PE kit with them.
Home Learning is set on Thursday and should be returned to school by the following Tuesday.
School gates and classroom doors open at 8.40am and gates will be locked at 8:50am. Gates will open at 3.05pm for ALL children to be collected at 3.10pm.
All children should be reading at home daily, choosing either a book from school or a book from home.
All Year 4 children will undertake a 'Multiplication Check' during the Spring term to ensure they are able to recall times tables up to 12x12 fluently. The children have been practising their times tables in school using TTRockstars - this can also be accessed from home! We are really proud of their progress and we are sure they will all do well.
All key dates including our class assembly can be found on the parent/carer leaflet.
If anybody has any questions, queries or concerns then please do not hesitate to get in touch!
The Y4 Team