Geography /History Subject Leader: Mrs Cara Rees
Geography /History Link Governor: Mrs Carol Jones
Our curriculum is designed to meet the content requirements of the National Curriculum. At The Arches Community Primary School we believe that a rich curriculum will inspire in children a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. A high quality curriculum education that will help children gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of the past and equip them to ask perspective questions. It will also aid them to think critically, weight evidence, sift arguments and develop perspective and judgement.
Teachers create a stimulating, engaging and rich creative curriculum. All children have individual topic books that are of a high standard reflecting the importance placed on our Geography / History curriculum. Throughout the programmes of study, our children will acquire and develop the key knowledge that has been identified within each unit and across each year group.
The impact of the school's Geography /History curriculum can be seen through the outcomes of all children, the progress they make and the work they produce. All children will make progress from their individual starting points. Children will take pride in all that they do, motivated to do their best and with the confidence in their own abilities. Knowledge, understanding and skills will be secured and embedded so that they have a sense of their role in the wider society.