Pupil Leaders

At The Arches, we believe in encouraging our pupils to participate in pupil leadership and responsibility roles across the school to aid them in developing a range of personal skills and qualities that benefit the children personally and the school ona  wider level.There are many roles of responsibility available across the school and throughout all year groups and key stages. Some are key stage dependent and some are available within every class regardless of key stage. 

Roles throughout the school include:

  • Junior Road Safety Officers
  • Junior Leadership team members
  • Library monitors
  • Reading ambassadors
  • KS1 and KS2 buddies
  • E-Safety champions
  • Head and Deputy Heads of School
  • Democracy team members
  • Community crew members

The above roles are a fundamental part of school life and have considerable impact across the school whilst improving pupil voice and engaging children in having a say and sharing their thoughts and opinions. As examples, E-Safety champions wrote and sent out a December newsletter that they had written collaboratively and the JLT members have updated school policies such as the uniform policy and purchased the beloved purple palace! 

If you have any thoughts or ideas on any of the above areas, keep an eye out for the appropriate person to speak to and let them know what you're thinking! 

The Arches Community Primary School

Saughall Road, Blacon, Chester CH1 5EZ

Nicky Johnson: SEN Contact

Michelle Ashfield: Headteacher

01244 667660


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