Foundation Stage 2 2024 - 2025
Mrs Newell
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Porter
Mrs Birch
Teaching Assistant
Miss Swan-Buchan
Spring Term 2025
Welcome to Foundation Stage 2!
We are so exicted to welcome everyone back for our Spring Term in FS2. We have an exciting term planned and we look forward to seeing all our wonderful children change and grow as learners over this time. Please have a look in the parent information booklet below for further information about our learning and development over the Spring Term, it can be found at the bottom of this page.
All of our amazing FS2 learners settled into their new school so well during Autumn Term - hats off to you grown-ups for supporting them and giving them all the wonderful support at home to help them thrive in school.
Key Information
Phonics: FS2 started their phonics journey over the Autumn Term. We learned and explored all of the Phase 2 sounds and lots of tricky words too! This term we will be reinforcing this learning and starting to learn the Phase 3 set of sounds as well. Children should become more confident with their blending of CVC words such as 'sat', 'cat', 'man' and 'van' and many may start to blend words with digraphs in, such as, 'rain' and 'chip' over this term. Please keep supporting your child with their phonics practise at home. A weekly update of the new sounds this week is uploaded onto Tapestry on a Friday ad further information can be found on the Phonics tab above.
Reading: we will continue to follow the Little Wandle Reading Scheme which uses phonetically decodable books matched to your child's learning. Reading books will be sent home on a Thursday and should be returned to school by the Monday. This is very important as books are used for other groups during the week. Please make time to read with your child for a few minutes each day over the weekend and it will support their learning so much - thankyou!
PE: PE is on a Friday morning, please send children into school wearing weather appropriate PE clothes and trainers on a Friday. We recommend trainers not pumps, as chidlren will be wearing these shoes all day and they need to be sturdy enough to run around the playground in. In the Autumn Term we learned how to move our bodies safely around each other in the hall and practised movements such as running, jumping, skipping hopping and rolling. In Spring 1, we will introduce different movements with a ball using our hands and in Spring 2, we will learn how to safetly use our feet to move and move with different balls.
Key Dates
24th February - Random Acts of Kindness Week
11th February - Safer Internet Day
24th February - 28th February - Closed for Half Term
26th February - Parent/Teacher Conferences 1-5pm
6th March - World Book Day
21st March - FS2 Assembly 9:10 - 9:30am
21st March - Comic Relief Day
1st April - Parent Easter Craft Afternoon (Time TBC)
School closes for Easter Holidays 3:10pm on 4th April and reopens for the Summer Term on Tuesday 22nd April.
If you have an questions or queries please do not hesitate to get in touch with me using the school contact number or via email below!
If you need support to set up your Tapestry account please ask any time!
Miss Charlotte Durrant: